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CPH, Capital Region of Denmark, København, Denmark

Boligbytte Ikke samtidigt Bytte til husly Weekendbytte Længerevarende bytte (mindst 6 uger) Boligbytte Ikke samtidigt

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Boligbytte, Weekendbytte

Familiemedlemmer, som deltalger i boligbyttet

2 voksne

Hello everyone,

I am Emil. I am a student and I am 21 years old.

I live with my girlfriend Katrine here in central Copenhagen (Nørrebro). It is great located - 10 minutes walk from Copenhagen Central Station and Tivoli. Nørrebro is a great area in Copenhagen! We live in a huge 80 km2 apartment with 4 rooms. We have a balcony with view over the a beautiful graveyard. We have two TV, DVD, radio, Wifi etc. In the kitchen you will see a fridge, stove, microwave, a kettle and a washing machine. We have a small room - used as walk-in closet. Here you will find a tumble dryer.

It is a very light apartment with paintings all over the place. The sleeping room is large with a huge closet as well.

Nær golfbane, Gå-/vandreture, God offentlig transport, Sø, Centralvarme, Parkering, Internetadgang, Røgfri bolig, Brug af cykel/cykler