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Marmaris, Turkey

Boligbytte Ikke samtidig Gjestfritt boligbytte Helgebytte Langtidsbytte (seks uker eller mer) Boligbytte Ikke samtidig Gjestfritt boligbytte



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Boligbytte, Ikke samtidig, Gjestfritt boligbytte

Familien som ønsker å inngå et boligbytte, består av

2 voksne  - 1 barn

Marmaris is Probably the Most Popular Yacht Charter, Sailing and Holiday Resort in Turkey.
Beautiful coastline, friendly people, good fresh foods and delicious local wines, that could easily compete against many European vineyards. The summer is long and good weather is virtually guaranteed between May and as late as end October.
Few countries in the world have such a cultural diversity as Turkey. Spanning over two continents combining the East, the West and the Orient of today with the ancient Byzantine, Ottoman, Roman and Persian empires. Turkey stands in a class of its own

Båtsport/seiling, Fisking, Gåturer/vandring, Praktisk offentlig transport, Sjø, Parkering, Ved sjøen, Et hjem borte fra hjemmet til disposisjon