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St Peters, NSW, Australia

Lounge Lounge Tidy two-door hatchback Suzuki Swift Secure off-street parking, leafy surrounds Kitchen and dining area Double bed, new mattress Spare room floor area with room for double or single air mattress (with foot pump) Bath, shower, toilet and handbasin Local university suburb Newtown has a vital street culture and many cafés and restaurants Local suburb Newtown main street with movie theatre, pubs, interesting shops and lively nightlife

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Nos encantaría visitar

France, Italy

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Intercambio de casas

Miembros de nuestra familia que participarán en el intercambio

2 adultos  - 1 adolescentes  - 1 niños pequeños

Sunny two bedroom apartment, close to city, airport, funky suburb and restaurant strip, 20 minutes from eastern beaches. Quaint, leafy street, bus stop 1 min, train 10 min, shopping centre and public pool handy. Suit couple.
Spare room and good single/double air mattresses with foot pump, if desired for extra numbers. Car available. TV, DVD, stereo.

Transporte público práctico, Aparcamiento